Coming to the 2017 Left Forum?

Drop by the Monthly Review book tables!

Friday, June 2 – Sunday, June 4
John Jay College of Criminal Justice
524 W 59th St, NYC 10019

Pick up discounts on new MRP books, classics, the Monthly Review magazine, the Socialist Register, and Merlin Press books!

Attend Monthly Review & Socialist Register panels!

Rural Proletarian Revolutions, Oklahoma, and Mexico, 1917

Hannah Holleman, Roxanne Dunbar-Ortiz, John Womack, Jr., John Hart
Saturday, 12:00 – 1:50pm, Room 1.127

Immigrant Rights in 2017: Crisis & Opportunity
Jane Guskin, David L. Wilson, Guadalupe Ambrosio, Ravi Ragbir, Aly Wane,  Angy Rivera
Saturday, 5:20 – 7:10pm, Room: 1.73

Building the Socialist Community in a Moment of Transition: Putting Meszaros’s Ideas into Practice
Michael Roberto, Irv Kurki, Chris Wood
Saturday, 12:00 – 1:50pm, Room 1.117

Agriculture and Capitalism
Elizabeth Henderson, Eric Holt Giménez
Saturday, 10:00 – 11:50am, Room 1.67 

Rethinking Revolution: Socialist Register 2017

Greg Albo, Leo Panitch, August Nimtz, David Schwartzman, Pierre Beaudet
Saturday, 3:30 – 5:15pm, Room: L2.85

Categorized as News

By David L. Wilson

David L. Wilson is co-author, with Jane Guskin, of The Politics of Immigration: Questions and Answers (Monthly Review Press, July 2007). An expanded and updated second edition appeared in 2017. Twitter: @Immigration_QA.